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Pack ASSIST: A Student Scholarship Interactive Search Tool

Students collaborate in Hunt Library

Pack ASSIST is NC State’s one-stop scholarship application portal. Students who would like to be considered for institutional scholarship opportunities must submit an application in Pack ASSIST.

Applications received by February 15 will receive priority consideration, but the application remains open throughout the academic year.

Reminders for scholarship applications:

  • Students need to complete the general application to be considered for university-wide scholarships.
  • Students may be presented with department-specific questions after completing the general application. Students must answer these questions to be considered for departmental opportunities.
  • Some scholarships require additional information to determine eligibility. In these cases, the student will be presented with recommended opportunities after the submission of the general application. Students should apply for any recommended opportunities.
  • If a major is changed after admission, students should log in to Pack ASSIST and complete any new requests for information should they appear.

If you have any questions, please contact:
Student Services Center
(919) 515-NCSU (6278)